Monday 23 April 2012


 I am about to tell to overcome writers block....BUT...there is catch....okay there's no catch but I just felt like there should be...yeah that wasn't awkward.

Okay so I'm a writer with a problem...or two..

My first problem is that I can't focus on one thing for too long...or I will get hopelessly bored like am now...but because I am a good person and though nobody is really reading this...but that doesn't matter.

The problem is that I can't focus and I get side tracked my an idea in very short now maybe I should go write my story or go edit my friends(if she reads this she'll know who she is) but I bet nobody is reading this and that's alright but if you do come upon this just know that this post wont be finished because I am once again getting hopelessly bored so....byee!!
                                                                Kisses and Music...JAZZHANDS.

P.S. SEE!!! SEE!! I told you this would happen I TOLD YOU....gosh why do I always have to be right....

The fun begins

Okay I will probably doing most of my post on my iPod just because but some on other stuff this is just a blog about everything and anything like or don't I could care less....kisses and music jazzhands!!!!

Saturday 21 April 2012


I'm a writer so I like to read and be left alone .

I am a teen...what else would be...

I have another blog that I don't pay Attention too..

I should be doing homework right now and not listening to demi lavato but I am

I think that blogs our awesome and wish I was awesomer

My Sign off is KISSES AND MUSIC so don't steal it.

I won't be talking like this in every blog.

This is just an

I don't like advertising....

I like to make films and I am waiting for my birthday camera

I also like jazzz

THAT IS why my name is JAZZHANDS

I sing jazz....yep

Favourite artist right now is KIMBRA and that was before Goyte okay so don't think that it was after

Favourite song right now is: Plain Gold Ring cover by Kimbra but I like Nina Simone gosh those girls can SANG

I am hopelessly in love with JOSH HUTCHERSON again this was before the HUNGER Games I have loved him since he was in HOWL's MOVING CASTLE so there I am a true follewer

I don't have twitter...I just spelled follower wrong don't worry I know

I would post a picture but I'm not on my Ipod.....

That's it More Intro to come

WAIT!...I like wattpad alot and fictionpress but not fanfiction....look them up
                                                                                                              -Kisses and Music JAZZHANDS