Saturday 8 September 2012



this is my F***ing blog and I can say and do what I want

I'm really just bored. and sad.

I found out my writing sucks...alot.

did you know that in canada(oops) alot is spelled a lot. not together.

I'm very lazy right now can't even start a sentence with a capital....

I'm gonna write a piece of my mind.*

The tinted windows should have been a clue. But it was a hot day. Everybody was lazy but energtic.  You know when its to hot to do anything but you desperatley want to anyway.  So you just sit on one of you friends lawn, feet lazily planted on the hot side walk...yelling ever five minutes at their cat not to go into the road. Really just yelling out ideas and things that you will never do in the next 34 hours 'cause its just that hot.

So when the car pulled up we werent't really paying attention to it.I mean deciding if you should jump into smithers pool or find sparkly vampires in the woods was a big deal. Even Fifa didn't realize there was a car. Fifa's a dog. You understand now?

So when we all got thrown into in to the trunked a smelly bandanas wrapped around are eyes, tears rolling down our faces well Annie yells out-

"Guys is this some sort of birthday surpries."

Mean while Ryan screams out " WERE GONNA FUCKING DIE!!!"???

Me I just laugh because I totally forgot it was Annies birthday and I think its a great idea that laughing before you get raped and chopped up kind of overlapps the cruelity of the situation.

"Oh my god you guys forgot my birthday."

We weren't told to shut up we werent even given a ultimatum. We were literally thrown to the curb. Literraly. This would have been fine except the car was movies so a nice piece of flesh came of my right arm.Mix that with equally hot surface creature burning. I screamed and cried. Blocking out the voices and just waited until the police sirens could be heard from a block away. Then for no apparent reason. I ripped off my bandanna and started running to the edge of town my friends close behind me. Not even caring why the hell they were running. Just enjoying the feeling of liberty.

Best day to get high.

*when i get a sudden Idea or feeling in I have to just...write..even if I suck.

kisses and music



But i have a better one...RANDOM THOUGHTS...this blog is  boring anyway(see I would never say that before)

OH i'm in highschool that officially makes be a hu-oops teenager. I can do stuff now.I'm FREEEEE.

On thursday I was badass i left school property and walk around with my friends...yeah i'm a rebel rebellion....oh and I'm also reading the scarlet letter

I just wrote 3/4 of that sentence with out looking. yeah i'm changing this blog and if you ever read this post.....keep reading


kisses and music


Wednesday 9 May 2012


It is a strong hate someone or something is not equivalent as to dislike them. But then again they also say that there is a thin line between love and hate. I don't think there is I just think there's confusion. Confusion and fusion. I can never see confusion as one word, after you read this neither will you.

Hate is a strong word but love is the strongest. My quote on facebook. I didn't make it up though just thought about it and realized that someone else probably already thought of it.

Oh and my other quote is that there is no superstars there is only super's from a movie.

Got to go and I really don't feel like finishing my story on my other blog but I have to...oh well.

Kisses and Music-JAZZHANDS.

P.S. I think my life should be a reality show, tell you why in my next post...Byee

Tuesday 8 May 2012


That's all I took my iPod died and I was vey lazy and tired....sorry


(tear tear) so proud of myself. I currently have what three stories I'm working on because I get distracted way to easily and bored so I have to be doing more than one thing. Oh and I do this with books also, so it's not like I don't know how to multitask. But anyway I am writing this STORY will be short. Not that long and no one page will not be one post but the first one was because I had to pack for Washington and I am back I left Friday didn't meet BARACK OBAMA  but I did see him....ya(from afar) it was okay the trip.But I do want to go again.

Kay I got to do some homework and writing talks to you later

Kisses and know my real name now....oh well

Thursday 3 May 2012


Okay a little word be for I start. I am writer..who is also a teenage. I have been writing for a very long time and this an experiment, and I am a teenager and I can not finish a story so I am trying starting with this.

Okay the idea I have is that. You don't plan out your story. Why? Because I have done that and in the ending I question my writing so I have decided that will not plan out my story but write my ideas down as I go through it.

Okay so you start my writing down you ideas. Lets start. This is what it should look like.
First draft of story will be posted on the other Blog..

Writing Process

Idea: Girl has mental issues, doctor thinks she is bi-polar, tries to find her mother, thinks her step-mother and step-sister don't like her, starts to doubt her sanity. Cinderella story but with out the prince(maybe),problems with bulimia.Thinks father doesn't love her.

Main Character: Catherine
Natural: Brown eyes, brown hair, freckles on nose, pixie cut for hair.
Un-natural:  blond hair,blue eyes, foundation on noise,

List of names:Katie, Kristina, David,Paige, Paul, 

That's  all you need now WRITE!!!

Kisses and Music-Jazzhands

and then there was TWO


Okay so today I am going to Washington D.C. !!!! Not a happy occasion...DON'T WORRY nobody died, it's just that it's a TEN HOUR drive. It kind of hit me really hard. TEN HOURS. I can't handle ten hours, thankfully this blog will be here and that has made me feel a lot better. So much better that I will be writing to post's today.This one and another(that explains the title.)

The reason for this post is that I now have enough time to start with the writing process for my story( which will be posted on my other BLOG). I have just came up with the ideal writing process  so the next post will be just that.BYEE

                                                                                               KISSES AND MUSIC

Wednesday 2 May 2012

IT's Better than the Hunger Games...sorry

Okay so I was reading this book call Divergent by Veronica Roth. This book is awesome. Okay so I was at a books store right and the second book for the trilogy was coming out in 3 weeks or so. It seemed very popular so I bought the book I was looking for ( Catching Fire-which I read  a year before) and was deciding if I should get divergent or this other very interesting book. All of sudden this girl comes along and she was all like ' That book is AWESOME it's such a good book I can't wait for the second one to come out' okay so she said something along those lines.So I bought the book.Oh and she also said there was going to be a movie-which I decided I will not be watching.

 In the end I love this book. It is related to the hunger games in a way but very different it has more science fiction and technology and the main character is no Katniss but she is very different and the book is very real and I must say (as I was told) better than the hunger games.

It really is something else and I don't feel the excitement I felt for the hunger games but I feel like a admire it more the writing how the main charactor did annoy me but not as much as Katniss did. I don't know, you read and find out.


I will be writing stories. On my other right now..yeah. So that was really it, but I will be

Tuesday 1 May 2012

I just realized

Why do people have blogs?

I have no clue honestly all I know that I have two blogs and I made my first blog because I was very upset and that was last summer. 

I know that I only made this blog because I like to write and I all I want is to go deeper into that feeling and experience everything that it has to offer.  I don't know why I am getting all psychological but I was and I am finished... All I wan't people to know is that when they see this blog just to stay and read I know there isn't any stories on the LINK but there will be so just keep checking up on me and you'll have all your writing needs.

YOURS(WHO just wants you to stay)


Monday 23 April 2012


 I am about to tell to overcome writers block....BUT...there is catch....okay there's no catch but I just felt like there should be...yeah that wasn't awkward.

Okay so I'm a writer with a problem...or two..

My first problem is that I can't focus on one thing for too long...or I will get hopelessly bored like am now...but because I am a good person and though nobody is really reading this...but that doesn't matter.

The problem is that I can't focus and I get side tracked my an idea in very short now maybe I should go write my story or go edit my friends(if she reads this she'll know who she is) but I bet nobody is reading this and that's alright but if you do come upon this just know that this post wont be finished because I am once again getting hopelessly bored so....byee!!
                                                                Kisses and Music...JAZZHANDS.

P.S. SEE!!! SEE!! I told you this would happen I TOLD YOU....gosh why do I always have to be right....

The fun begins

Okay I will probably doing most of my post on my iPod just because but some on other stuff this is just a blog about everything and anything like or don't I could care less....kisses and music jazzhands!!!!

Saturday 21 April 2012


I'm a writer so I like to read and be left alone .

I am a teen...what else would be...

I have another blog that I don't pay Attention too..

I should be doing homework right now and not listening to demi lavato but I am

I think that blogs our awesome and wish I was awesomer

My Sign off is KISSES AND MUSIC so don't steal it.

I won't be talking like this in every blog.

This is just an

I don't like advertising....

I like to make films and I am waiting for my birthday camera

I also like jazzz

THAT IS why my name is JAZZHANDS

I sing jazz....yep

Favourite artist right now is KIMBRA and that was before Goyte okay so don't think that it was after

Favourite song right now is: Plain Gold Ring cover by Kimbra but I like Nina Simone gosh those girls can SANG

I am hopelessly in love with JOSH HUTCHERSON again this was before the HUNGER Games I have loved him since he was in HOWL's MOVING CASTLE so there I am a true follewer

I don't have twitter...I just spelled follower wrong don't worry I know

I would post a picture but I'm not on my Ipod.....

That's it More Intro to come

WAIT!...I like wattpad alot and fictionpress but not fanfiction....look them up
                                                                                                              -Kisses and Music JAZZHANDS